Resonant Rooks

November, late in the afternoon and the light is fading at RSPB Buckenham Marshes so I tear myself away from the wonderful whistling wigeon and head back to Buckenham railway station. I'm not catching the train but the platform is a great spot to get caught up in the gathering corvids.

Mainly rook and jackdaw make up this roost, and at first there are a few decorating the small stand of trees on the grazing marsh, but soon there is a steady stream of black birds from all directions, noisily announcing their arrival. There seems to be a little jostling for the top most points of the trees then things settle, apart from a little murmuring.

Suddenly in unison they lift, it seems someone gave the call to move and the jackdaws continue their joyous recounting of the day to each other as they head to the field with the wires. But there is no room on the wires, for these are sole property of the rooks. Every inch filled but no bird actually looking cramped for space. There they sit looking at each other and apparently mocking those on the ground for not getting there sooner.

So here is where the resonance part of this tale is revealed, nothing to do with sound waves for rooks are hardly sweet singers, nor is it light waves for the light is almost gone, but it seems rooks like to have some fun before they go to bed. Again in unison, a large group of them leap off from a section of the wire and, in doing so, set a tension-releasing wave along it. Those rooks that remained perched are left bouncing up and down until the resonance dies. It looked like fun to me!

Then as the wire wave stops and a cacophony of caws and jackdaw clucks starts up, they all lift from wires and fields and head up the slope to another field and if you're quick you can get there too as they gather up one final time before heading to the trees.

Barely visible the black river across the field slides into the top of the woods out of sight. Still, you don't really need to see them, as the sound reverberating across the fields is wonderful.

The experience resonates with something deep in the soul!

Jostling for the top spot.
This rook has not just the top spot, but the whole tree, even if it is a small one!

Rooks starting to gather on the wires...
...and still they come!

Fully loaded! Who wants to bounce?
The black river streams off!


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